Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Caldia's VRM4 rolling stock picture book

Caldia (his screen name) provides VRM4 rolling stock picture book. Click here, and you can jump into his web contents. It is written in only Japanese. But I'm sure that you can follow the links in the left frame.

At this time, we have never heard VRM4 will be released in Europe. However I wonder you are interested in how fine VRM4 rolling stock are. Caldia's picture book gives an answer for your concern.

As for today, his picture book covers VRM4 0th, 1st, 2nd and a half of 3rd package. The rest of 3rd and later will be done in a few days.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Junichi's suspended monorail

A week ago, I showed you my latest work including a straddle monorail. I don't know whether it motivated Junichi, anyhow he did again and again!

Click here, and you can see his VRM screenshot with his suspended monorail. Unfortunately it can not run, but just a static object. His monorail seems to be constructed with a bus and a platform. However I'm sure you will be surprised and satisfied with his work because he built streetscape much more exhaustively than I did.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Junichi aims outer space!

Junichi did again!

On his latest VRM screenshot, he tried to fly to outer space. Click here, and you can see it. Let's sing the praises of Junichi's creative mind!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

ghost's Three Layers layout

Today I show you my latest work; "Three Layers" layout. The word "Three Layers" means the ground line, the elevated line and the underground line.

As launching BSP viewer, your view point is at the cab of a commuter train leaving a large station which has two platforms and five lines. You will mistake the station altitude for 0mm.

However it is placed 60mm higher than the level ground in fact. After running for a while, you will know what I mean. Your train will go down a slope and reach to an underground station.

The elevated line is monorail. The rail tracks for it, are hidden by a lot of Querträger plced along the route.

Click here, and you can get the ZIP archive including the layout file. Enjoy it with your Bahnsim PRO. Even if you do not have BSP, you can enjoy the movie here.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Flying fish!?

You watched a VRMovie based on Seichi's N layout on the latest article here. I wonder you had doubts about a strange object shown fleetingly in the movie. The object is as follows.

What is that fish flying in the sky?

It is called "Koinobori" in Japanese. I found an English dictionary call it "carp-shaped streamer."

Koinobori comes from a folk story of the ancient China. According to the story, there was a waterfall named "Ryu-Mon" or the dragon's gate. A lot of carp tried to climb over the waterwall. Most of them failed. Only a carp that did it, could became a dragon.

Based on that story, Japanese people set Koinobori up in their garden. Koinobori climbing over the waterfall and becoming the dragon, is symbolic of their children's success of life. In May, you can see a lot of Koinobori everywhere in Japan.

By the way, why was Koinobori implemented into VRM4?
I guess that is just a joke by the developer of VRM.

Koinobori in my VRMovie was also a joke. There was no Koinobori on Seichi's original layout. However, he said to me "That's good!! I pick it up!!" after watching the movie. In a few days, we may see Koinobori standing on his layout. :-P

Monday, October 16, 2006

Seichi's N layout

A week ago, I received an e-mail, attached some pictures. There I found a beautiful N desktop layout, as follows!

The e-mail was from Seichi(his screen name). According to him, he had decided to construct his N layout when he had watched my desktop layout plan book. He arranged this blueprint for his own layout. I'm very pleased that he had my blueprint come to life with his excellent sense and modeling technique.

This case should be called "VRM->N" because my blueprint drawn with VRM let him construct N layout. And now, I tried "N->VRM" to show you his great work more clearly. I mean that I made a VRM layout based on his N layout, as follows.

The above screenshots are generated with VRM4; the upper version of VRM3/Bahnsim PRO. You can also watch VRMovie. After watching it, you will know a lot about his beautiful layout. That is the power of VRM; Virtual Railroad Models!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Cheer for JR Kwansai

JR Kwansai is proceeding with our collaborative N layout. Click here, and you can see his weblog written about his activity both in Japanese and English.

By the way, an unfortunate incident happened upon him. He was hit by a car two weeks ago. That got him admitted to hospital. He had not published his weblog, however he rose like a phoenix after blank of a week.

I wonder it will be source of encouragement for him if you leave a few comment in his weblog. Please cheer for JR Kwansai.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Today I show you Grindelwald; one of the most famous sightseeing resort in Switzerland, with my VRM3 movie. I and my wife love Grindelwald much so we often visit there.

In the movie, you can see BOB(Berner Oberland-Bahn) and WAB(Wengenalpbahn) running into Grindelwald Bahnhof. Of course, I substituted Japanese cars which look like them, because VRM had not featured Swiss rolling stock yet.

This VRM layout brought the prize of I.MAGiC VRM layout contest 2004 upon me. As I told, now VRM layout contest 2006 is hold. The closing date is 20th Octorber. Please contact me via e-mail if you hope to take a part in the contest. I can help you with your application.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Keimei's Talent 644 screenshots

Keimei; you know his name as the author of SF Jupiter layout, opened some beautiful screenshots with Talent 644, the latest release of EuroExpress series in Japan. Click the following links, and you can see them.

from Talent 644 @ kNR news, Keimei's weblog

The last one seems to be generated by VRM4.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

VRM4 movie

VRM4 is the upper version of VRM3/BSP; the current version of VRM in Japan. Today I show you VRM4 through a VRMovies I produced.

Do you know the place I imaged?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

ghost's Deutsche Marine layout

My latest work titled "Deutsche Marine" is a layout modelling a secret navy base in a cove. Of course, they get ready for the invasion of junichi's battle fleet.

Admiral junichi already threw an aircraft carrier out as I informed. That was a great menace for me. But now I have a counter weapon as follows.

Yes!! I have U-Boot!!
Fire a torpedo at her vulnerable belly!!!!

However, I have a serious problem; this submarine is doubtless "landscape," so it can neither move nor even be replaced with drag & drop!!!! :-P

As usual, you can get the ZIP archive including the layout file. Enjoy it with your Bahnsim PRO. Even if you do not have BSP, you can enjoy the movie here.