Tuesday, July 25, 2006

CHO's VRM3 parts catalog

Today I introduce one of the longest-serving active VRM user in Japan.
His name is CHO(his screen name). CHO has been the most famous webmaster among Japanese VRM users since the first version of VRM was released in 1999. Click here, you can jump into his website, written in Japanese. It is very hard for me to translate all of his writing. Well, today I lead into the most useful and interesting content of them for you.

It is "VRM3 parts catalog," his elaboration. Click here, and you can see it through an automatic-translation to English. There you can enjoy most of parts screenshots included in Japanese VRM3 packages.

For example, click "The first package" at first. You can see category list in the left below frame. Next, click "House" there. In the right up frame, you can see some screenshots of the parts categorized in "house" group. Click one of them, and you can see much larger one as follows.

Bahnsim PRO for European users includes all of the parts included in VRM3 0th package. As you saw in CHO's catalog, I.MAGiC has much more "bullets" for Bahnsim PRO add-on in the future. However, they show little intention of chambering the bullets into a new magazine; the coming add-on package.

I read some reviews written in Europe about Bahnsim PRO as follows.

Put simply, every reviewer seems to be disappointed by shortage of the parts included in the package. Therefore, I think that CHO's catalog should be known among European Bahnsim PRO users as a little hope. Encourage bhv software to follow the project by your contributing many opinions onto bhv bbs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again a big thank you for the information! As I see the widespread objects and trains aviable for VRM3 I'm deeply disappointed with the publishing-politic of the Root-VRM3 by BHV! BSP could be really a fantastic game, but if the player can't even build streets it's really sad! I hope BHV relaunch BSP with all the objects integrated in VRM3!


PS: Your interview on gamers.at is very interesting!

12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks should be contributed to CHO. His catalog have been taken confidence among Japanese VRM users. Of course, me too.
He seems to have had a trip to Germany during the immediate past. You can see a photo of ICE on the top page of his website. I wonder he will be glad if he gets your greeting by e-mail. ;-)

By the way, please send me your BSP layout when you finish your best one. I would like to introduce European users' work to Japanese readers. Not only I but also the other people are very interested in how European BSP users make use of VRM3. I'm sure we can find something new, different from ours.

12:26 pm  

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