ghost's Geistburg layout
My latest work titled "Geistburg" is a layout of a large terminal with a cathedral.

The cathedral is constructed with "Boden-Werkzerg" and customized "Struktur," as same as the samples I showed you before here. The dome of the terminal is built up from more than 200 "Stahlbetonbongenbrücke." The fountain in front of the cathedral is 24 "Br-P feiler" buried in the ground.

Brick style parts are also made a lot of use; the old castle on the hill, the ramparts around the town, and so on.

Click here, and you can get the ZIP archive including the layout file. Enjoy it with your Bahnsim PRO. Even if you do not have BSP, you can enjoy the movie here.

The cathedral is constructed with "Boden-Werkzerg" and customized "Struktur," as same as the samples I showed you before here. The dome of the terminal is built up from more than 200 "Stahlbetonbongenbrücke." The fountain in front of the cathedral is 24 "Br-P feiler" buried in the ground.

Brick style parts are also made a lot of use; the old castle on the hill, the ramparts around the town, and so on.

Click here, and you can get the ZIP archive including the layout file. Enjoy it with your Bahnsim PRO. Even if you do not have BSP, you can enjoy the movie here.

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